"A pint of cider please barman"
"Look I told you before  
-You ain't getting served in here 
'til you get they bloody cows out - 
-They have ruined three carpets already this week!"

Get off my land
Go down the dog and duck
Here you're trepassing
If i catch you scrumping just one more time
I'll tan your hse
Where be the blackbird to I knows where he be
He be on your wurzel tree
And i be after he He sees i and i sees he
Butter - But he won't come down
With a good big stick
Up and down
And after him i ran
Stick stick stick Step step step
Play that guitar boy! drop'em blossom
No-no-no-no i'm so bad
" I'd rather sit with the crows than listen to that crap"